First Circular and Call for Papers (04-11-2003)


[printer-friendly pdf version; 82 kB]


Dear Colleagues,


We are happy to announce that the 35th Poznań Linguistic Meeting will take place in Poznań between the 18th and 20th of May, 2004 (Tuesday-Thursday).


General Information


The Meeting will be organised by the School of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. The leitmotif of this edition is going to be Linguistics for the Future. The Meeting will immediately follow the 13th Annual Conference of the Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE), also organised by our School, which will be taking place on 16-18 May, 2004, with a joint session in the afternoon of 18 May. You are welcome to participate in both events.


This first session will be devoted to the issue of selection of pronunciation dictionaries for English phonetics teaching at the university level. Sessions on: the latest advances in speech technology, aspects of linguistic typology, intercomponential interfaces (phonetics/phonology, morphology/syntax, etc.), and Polish phonetics are also planned.




Proposals for papers (as well as OTHER SESSIONS or WORKSHOPS) are warmly invited. Authors should submit abstracts by the end of January, 2004, preferably by e-mail; PC-format floppy disks will also be accepted. Abstracts should be about 500 words long, and should be attached to an e-mail message or included on the diskette as a plain text file (.txt).

The abstracts will be reviewed by an international advisory board. Authors will be notified of acceptance by the end of February, 2004.


Book Exhibition and Sale


Traditionally, a book exhibition and sale will be organised by the Omnibus bookshop, offering very attractive prices on books by major linguistic publishers.


Venue and Accommodation


This year, the Meeting will take place at the Hotel 500, located in the town of Tarnowo Podgórne, about 20km west of Poznań, on the E30 route from Berlin. The hotel offers all the necessary conference facilities. Regular bus services connect Tarnowo Podgórne with Poznań's western district of Ogrody. Meeting participants will also be offered transportation to and from the venue on the first and last day of the conference. Room prices: single 220 PLN; double 250 PLN.


Registration and Fee


For preliminary registration, please use our on-line registration form. Please register as soon as possible.


The registration fee will be 50 Euros. This will cover: conference materials; coffee/tea/biscuits during coffee breaks; transportation to and from the conference venue on the first and last day of the meeting.


Meals and the conference banquet will be charged extra.




We strongly recommend contacting us by e-mail (, and visiting our web page, which will be updated on a regular basis. In due course, abstracts of the accepted papers will be posted, as well as various practical tips.

Our regular mailing address is:



PLM 2004

School of English

Adam Mickiewicz University

Collegium Novum

Al. Niepodleglosci 4

61-874 Poznan


Tel: (+48 61) 829-35-06 Fax: (+48 61) 852-31-03


Looking forward to seeing you in Poznań,


PLM Organisers

Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk

Jarosław Weckwerth

