PLM 2005 Photo Vault

A small gallery depicting the whole event ...and beyond

This is just a selection of the photos shot during PLM 2005 and the related events. We will gratefully accept other photos as well. Please send your photos to and indicate that you allow us to use the photos at this gallery (so that we do not infringe your copyrights).

Click on a thumbnail to get a bigger picture.

This page is to be updated once we gather more photos from the e-mails and the memory cards flying around, and each time you send us your input.

Newest update: 23 May 2005: with contributions from Karolina Zamorska, Hans Christian Luschützky, and a set of re-scanned analogue prints from the editor.

Friday, 22 April 2005

PLM 2005 kicked off with the opening session held at the Adam Mickiewicz University Hall (a.k.a. Aula). The audience was not huge, but those who did turn up must have experienced some thrill when Ian Maddieson and Nick Campbell gave their plenary talks. Those who did not turn up simply do not know what they missed. (A note for trainspotters: for the first time in PLM's history we had a lovely yellow banner on the venue; the shots below come from the organisers' cameras; the grainy photos towards the bottom are analogue prints; the light in the hall was so sparse that most of the shots taken indoors have found their way to the waste bin anyway.)


The photos from the opening sesion presented below were given to us by Karolina Zamorska (thank you for you input).


After the plenaries, the whole gathering went for lunch. We reconvened at the main venue for a while. (The shots below come from the organisers' cameras; again, the grainy photos towards the bottom were scanned from analogue prints.)


The photos from the Colorado Literacy Tutor/Polish Literacy Tutor report session shown below were shot by Karolina Zamorska (thank you).


After the regular sessions, we went to the Malthouse at the Old Brewery to enjoy the Technology for Linguistics, Linguistics for Technology panel, co-organised with the 2nd Language and Technology Conference.

Saturday, 23 April 2005

Saturday sessions began rather early in the morning. Gisbert Fanselow and Wolfgang U. Dressler gave their plenary talks, after which the participants attended their chosen sessions. Below are pictures from the plenaries, and from the subsequent morphonology session.


During the syntax session, Gisbert Fanselow took these two photos (thank you for your input).

In the evening, the gathering moved smoothly to Kórnik Castle where the Conference Dinner and Dance took place. There was a guided tour inside the castle, some lovely food and drink, and the rhythmic noise on the dancefloor.

Just prior to entering the castle, Hans Christian Luschützky took this shot of the sunset over the nearby lake (thank you for your input).

Our DJ Mateusz Fabiszewski-Jaworski shot a few photos before the crowd rushed onto the dancefloor, making him devote almost all his energy to the playlist and the mixing desk (thank you for your input). Still, he managed to give the camera to someone to take a picture of him standing between our conference secretaries...


Then, after the official toast was drunk and the partying crowd were free to fill the dancefloor, Nick Campbell's camera's shutter speed was fast enough to capture some of the highlights (others had better remain unpublished).


The editor took advantage of Nick's leaving the camera for a few minutes and shot some photos of him and his company.

Sylwia Scheuer sent us these three, among others (thank you for your input).

The cameras taken by Katarzyna Dziubalska-Kołaczyk and Jarek Weckwerth recorded some more images, though it is not certain who actually pressed the shutter release on which picture.

Again, Karolina Zamorska had to something to offer to the gallery, too (thank you).

After the dinner, when most of the company were supposedly getting some rest before Sunday's sessions, a small group still had enough energy to go for some honey beer and smoke some cigars. The editor was there as well, and played with Nick's camera in order to get some evidence.

Sunday, 24 April 2005

Sunday had some interesting moments as well, but unfortunately, most of those still float among the media that we are trying to fish out in order to show some more photos taken on that day. For the time being, we have a collection of photos shot with Jarek's camera. First, there are preparations for a slide show held during the coffee break.

Late in the afternoon, a group of discussants from the Approaches to Language and Meaning workshop went to Duetto, where Robert Lew took this picture (thank you for your input).

In the evening, there was a small party at Brovaria, held by the inner circle after the official part PLM 2005 was over. Again, some honey beer was drunk, but this time the magnificent ice-cream dessert, not listed in the menu, was added to celebrate the success of the Conference.

Finally, the editor got shot (with a camera) as well, and so all those wondering what he looks like can find him in the first triptych, flanked by Nick Campbell and Ian Maddieson (THX, Jarek). The other one depicts what looks like a phonetics-syntax bridge theory talk (Ian Maddieson vs. Peter Svenonius) with one of Ron Cole's Angels moderating.

Edited for web presentation by Grzegorz Michalski

Please send your input to

Last updated: 22 May 2005.

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