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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/Many people object to the plan of introducing sex education as a subject in schools arguing that it is going to serve solely as an instruction lesson of how to properly carry out sexual intercourses. In fact, sex education is far more than merely acquainting young people with a practical side of erotic affection. Primarily, it aims at providing pupils with some intelligible and credible information concerning psychological and physiological development of both sexes. This programmed instruction focuses, in other words, on making young people aware of the current changes occurring in their psyche and body and on teaching them how to accept these processes without any inhibitions. Additionally, the classes attempt to make the everyday social contacts with members of opposite sex easier and less stressful for students. They also emphasise the significance of different human relations like love or friendship and help to get to know and accept young people's most personal feelings and emotions. Thereby, sex education due to its overall approach towards the subject supplies the students with basic and necessary knowledge about sex. It does not at all treat it as the ultimate object of study but rather places it in an appropriate context of such important correlations as maturity and social responsibility.