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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/The bewilderment of the black man is caused solely by the action of the white one. What are the lessons about democracy which the black has learnt from the white? What has he learnt about liberty, equality and fraternity? Definitely, the black is none the wise seeing and observing the white. Before we can even contemplate peaceful coexistence between the races, we must appreciate each other's problems. When dealing with each other, white men depend on force. It seems that the status quo is preserved by violence. The basis for all racial conflicts are religious, political and cultural. It happens that the white are far less tolerant than the black. Generally, the white love to be superior and wield power. People think in stereotypes. They fear of other people who are e.g. visually different from them. The only way to get a hearing is through violence. Violence improves our status, encourages others respect us as a force to be reckoned with. Violence is sometimes a well-tried means of achieving peace and can succeed where other means are bound to fail.