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/^t/Although nuclear power plants have some supporters, the number of their opponents is still growing. It is because with each new piece of information on radio or TV people become more and more aware that nuclear power industry is dangerous, inefficient and expensive. For example, if you take into consideration radiation after nuclear power plant accident and its long-term effects for the environment, the fact that nuclear power plants release about twenty five times less carbon dioxide than coal-fired stations, becomes an unimportant one. Nuclear power is dangerous not only to the environment, but also to the world's peace. It is nuclear power plants that provide materials for building nuclear bombs. There is no point in investing huge sums of money to build such a dangerous and inefficient industry. It is true that there will be no problems with providing fuel for nuclear power stations because its reserves are ever-lasting, but it should also be pointed out that nuclear fuel could easily be replaced by sun, wave or tidal fuel. This type of fuel is much safer than nuclear power which can spell a complete disaster for the environment if not properly controlled.