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/^t/The first procedure concerus trees, the most important suppliers of oxygen. For such reasons as acid rain and excessive use of wood for celluse industry, we have been facing a shortage of forests. These drastically limit the amount of oxygen in our atmosphere. Business enterprises, especially those responsible for the destruction of forests, should monitor and finance massive replanting of trees. Every bit of land, especially around factories and plants, should be filled with new trees. This procedure, however, treats only the results of technological development. The second procedure concerns the core of the problem, the technology. One possible solution to the environmental problems would be supplantinga carbon-based economy with one based on hydrogen and sunshine. This will reduce not only enormous amounts of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere during the combustion of carbon, but also minimize the use of oxygen from the atmosphere needed for that chemical reaction. Solar or wind power could be adopted particularly by power stations. They mostly contribute to air pollution. The third environmentally safe procedure is also connected with technology. The car industry produces vehicles run on leaded petrol. This causes an enormous emission of pernicious fumes into the air. Therefore, car producers should either manufacture vehicles equipped with catalytic converters or change their technologies and produce cars run only on unleaded gas.