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/^t/Finally, Hollywood movie companies have a say in establishing what is more popular: theaters or video. Theaters partially owe their existance to constant promotion. The companies have always tried to bind motion pictures and theaters into an inseparable unit. The notorious premieres, that are set up with big celebrieties, can serve here as an example. The Motion Picture Academy (the one responsible for Oscars) established a rule which says that a movie in order to be nominated for the Academy Awards has to have its theatrical opening first. Generally, movies are released first in the theaters and then on video, usually after 6 months. The video releases are intentionally delayed until a movie has been completely exploited in the theaters and made its way out of there. Therefore, in some cases, when a movie has become a box-office hit, the video release can be pushed to even more than 6 months as it happened in case of 'Jurassic Park', for example. It took almost a year and a half until people could finally see the dinosaurs on the attack at home. The reason for delaying the video release is money. The theaters are much more profitable for movie companies than video rentals. In the USA the movie ticket is about 6 to 7 dollars, which is usually twice the price for renting a new release video per one night. Consequently, the majority of the profits movie companies make on their movies come from theaters, while the video rentals and purchases are responsible only for additional gains.