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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/If you are a parent yourself you know how wonderful it is to have this little precious thing roaming around the house, smiling at you and calling you mam or dad. It is hardly possible to express in words what you feel when you look at your darling learning to walk, to read, to ride a bicycle or awkwardly trying to help you with your work. Most people are able to experience all these feelings sooner or later in their lives. But there are also couples that cannot have children. They would be robbed of all the pleasures of parenthood if there wasn't the possibility to adopt children. Unfortunately this possibility is not given to everyone. Gay couples have no right to adopt children. They are deprived of the most magnificent experience of rearing a child, of watching her/his grow and answering why-series questions. Their lives seem fruitless. They feel useless and their relationship cannot give them full happiness.