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/^t/When two people are in love and decide to stay together for the rest of their lives, they do not need a formal piece of paper to confirm it. They make their own arrangements and in that way become responsible to each other. Their love is only their own private affair. Besides, they, just like anyone else, do not know themselves good enough to vow before God or the state to stay together for their lifetime. On the other hand, however, if the couple are deeply in love with each other then marriage will only legalise and announce their relationship publicly making their union more stable. After all, it is marriage, the beginning of a family that constitutes the very basic part of every nation and society and as such it is no longer a private affair between two people. Besides, the decision to stay together 'till death tells us apart' involves taking up serious obligations and duties. Due to the legal bond of marriage, spouses are fully responsible for each other and obliged to mutual support. Marital union merges the two, before separate, words - 'you' and 'me' - into one omnipotent word 'we'. Consequently, only superficially may marriage seem an easy thing to enter into, just a nice ceremony. In fact, the ancient vow of matrimony requires real strength as it is the test of the couple's maturity. Those who are unable to declare and accept mutual commitment reject marriage showing emotional immaturity as well as lack of responsibility, which is by no means the basis for a lasting relationship.