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/^t/Traditional educational practices for dealing with exceptional children involve remolding their characters so that they fit in society, excluding them from a society or segregating them from other so-called "normal" children. The implementation of exclusion polices can vary considerably from keeping the children in seclusion to even murdering them. Ancient Sparta where physically handicapped children were simply killed just after being born can be an example of extremes to which things could go. Although in the 20th century such practices are inadmissable, there is still no one unambiguous solution to the problem. Most modern researches have criticized the whole approach to the case rejecting the idea of classifying any human being as retarded or deviant. This idea may be supported by several very strong and sensitive arguments. First of all, even a child which is born without some of the basic capabilities may bring a lot into the life of his family. On the other hand, only parents are able to form a warm, supportive, nurturing environment indispensable for any child, let alone - for a child which is different in any way. Finally, separation from family and society always has a negative impact on the child's psyche.