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/^t/Dr. William Preston from the University of California, in his latest research, proves that it is better for children to be kept at home. Dr. Preston has studied an overall physical and mental development of those children and their skills in coping with everyday situations. The research has embraced all the children born with Down's Syndrome in California during last ten years and it has included children brought up in families and those from public institutions. The results are astonishing. Children brought up at home prevail other children e.g. in solving simple mathematic problems and in orthography. They are doing very well in everyday activities like dressing, cleaning, washing up et cetera. Moreover, children kept at home are more happy, more open and willing to meet new people while children from public institutions are very shy, reserved and they remain all the time in their inner world of dreams. Dr. Preston says that it is because parents have much more time and patience for their children than workers in the public institutions; and he claims that there is nothing but advantages of keeping a child with Down's Syndrome at home.