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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/Why do some people drive BMWs while others beg in the streets? Why do some people buy houses with swimming pools and large, beautiful gardens while others strive for a piece of bread for their children? Are they really equal? The answer to this question is obvious: no, they are not; and the reason is money. It is money that makes the statement that all people are equal a hypocrisy. How can we claim that everybody has equal chance in life when the poor are, in fact, doomed to fail? It is only people lucky enough to be born to wealthy families that can get good education and good social position, which, in most cases, are the keys to success. The poorer part of our society usually have to finish their education early in order to support themselves and their families. As we can see, money divides the world into two parts: one for the 'more equal', and the other for the rest of society. One is for respectible, rich citizen, and the other for the masses. Even the law, which is supposed to be the same for everybody, is more likely to take the side of a well dressed and educated person than that of a beggar.