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/^t/Parents always await their child with anxiety and hope that she/he will be physically and mentally healthy. Unfortunately, it happens differently. Medical research proves that one to ten thousand children is born with retardation. Most frequent disease is Down Syndrome that is characterized by quite heavy mental disorder and some physical changes as well. Specialists already know several important facts about Down Syndrome, but they are not able to get into it too far. Scientists announced that this disease is caused at the very early stage of the development by false cell division when one additional chromosome is produced. Of much importance is also the age of a future mother. It was proved that the older mother is the greater possibility of her child to suffer from "mongolism". In the past specialists also advised parents to get rid of such children maintaining that it would be completely impossible to keep them at home. It is a wonderful thing that people who have dealt with that problem decided to change this attitude and show the world that retarded children are "also" human and that they should live human life. Children with Down Syndrome are not a burden for their families as they were thought to be in the past. It is quite the opposite. They can also prove to be quite useful for the society, for sure not in all ways, but they are able to contribute to it. It is obvious that children with Down Syndrome should not be "put away".