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/^t/Most parents agree that children with Down Syndrome joined their families. They contributed to their stability and serenity. It would be very desirable to give here the example of Mark, a 26-year-old boy with Down Syndrome. His father is eager to defend the idea that such children should be kept at home. He describes Mark as an easy-going, quiet, friendly and passive child. As parents he and his wife have not had any major problems with him. Quite the opposite, he did help the whole family a lot. The challenge to communicate with Mark drew all of them very close to one another. It is not true that their love focused only on Mark. They shared it equally among other children. Mark's parents maintain that one does not lessen one's feelings by dividing them among others. All their efforts focused on the bringing the family together. Mark's brothers and sisters helped to bring him up and that changed their characters and attitudes a lot. They became delightfully playful and mature, observant and understanding. They also showed remarkable ingenuity in instructing him and amusing him. All of them were proud of Mark. It never came to them to give him away.