Wide context

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/We live at the end of the twentieth century. We witness extraordinary progress in science, medicine, and technology. We pride ourselves on becoming more and more civilized and sophisticated. We tend to have more refined tastes in art, literature, music, and architecture. We boast of being able to cooperate, to solve political problems peacefully, by means of discussion and negotiation. We believe in democracy, in what the French Revolution brought to the world. Equality, freedom, and brotherhood are our principles and the bases of our lives. We are enlightened. "All men are created equal", we claim. But are we completely honest? Is there not a little hypocrisy? Do we really mean that all people are equal when we say this or do we add in an undertone, as if repeating after George Orwell, that some are "more equal" than others? Should we not scrutinize our society in search for inequality?