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/^t/Human beings are social animals, gregarious by nature. We want to cooperate with other members of our society. Only being among other people can fulfill our basic need - the need of being accepted. Gay couples craving for an off-spring should first think whether their child will be accepted by his peers. It is common knowledge that all children are rather cruel, they are free from many inhibitions and they simply behave naturally. Therefore children having among them a peer who is brought up by a homosexual couple can bait, tease him and laugh at him. Their small victim may feel guilty and ashamed of having abnormal family. He will avoid any occasion to invite anybody to his house. He will avoid his predetators by playing truancy from school. Such situation of prolonged stress can evoke many negative feelings and emotions. In very extreme situations he can even turn to crime thus taking his revenge on the brutal society which have mistreated him so badly. Therefore all homosexual couples should think in advance whether they have right to deprive children of sense of belonging. For sure, they do not. They cannot deprive children of their excitement and joy of life. They have no right to make a child an outcast of the society.