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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/Lying, telling half-truths, hiding truth or simply making the boring facts more colourful seems to be inseparable from the daily existence. The majority of people agree that lying is immoral, though. It is pleasant to hear only nice opinions about oneself. Sometimes, however, it is better to hear a sincere judgement. Only then is it possible to improve. Deciding about the lives of other people only seems to be normally right. Merciful lies, be it about someone's appearance or health, can only create a sense of confusion in people around. Life in world where it is impossible to know whether a person tells the truth or a lie creates a constant sense of distrust. Lies told by newspapers, producers, acquaintances, friends and family deprive people of a necessary frame of reference. Life without it is possible but is it necessary to live so?