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/^t/Talking frequently constitutes an alternative to smacking. A mere remark is sometimes enough "to convert" a naughty child. Generally, children's forms of behaviour are fairly easy to master on the condition that one knows a few details about their natures. It is quite obvious that if the only child finds himself/herself in a group of several peers it will try to gain the others' attention as it is used to have it all the time while at home; such a child simply does not want to be lost in a crowd. It comes as no surprise that all children want to achieve through bad behaviour is to show off and attract the attention of grown-ups. So is there any point in punishing such forms of misbehaviour corporally? A frank talk would certainly do in this case. One more aspect of a positive role talking plays in bringing children up is the fact that while discussions they feel as mature human beings to whom things can be explained. Then the children realize somebody trusts them and will work hard not to let him/her down. Unfortunately, not always is talking the best method. Actually, there are two such instances. First of all, it would not work long after the misbehaviour had happened because punishment must immediately follow the wrong deed. Besides, talking as a means of dealing with misbehaving children is fine on the condition that they are clever enough to understand what they are being told.