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Another solution to the problem of smacking is talking. We can use it as a means of preventing or, if it is too late for this, as a means of explaining, an helping our children to find out about the causes and effects of their behaviour. This will certainly help the both sides of the conflict: as well parents (or teachers) as the young may work out their individual patterns of behaviour, which will help them to live side by side, more or less peacefully. However this is not as easy thing to do as it may sound. Very often the sides of a conflict are unable to talk to each other, not to mention reasoning. In such a situation either one of the sides or both of them can go for help to speciall institutions which deal with similar cases. Such institutions are, eg: school psychologists, "psychologists on the phone", or very popular in the West and still gaining popularity in Poland private psychoanalysts. But, once we do not like the idea of talking to a stranger about our problems we still can go to a friend who is beyond this, and can judge us without being biased, and who may suggest some solutions.