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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/The political changes in Poland brought also a new economic system - capitalism. The new situation was highly competitive and only these companies that were able to sell their products or services survived on the market. As a result of closing of many enterprises about 20% of Poles lost jobs and this fact had a great influence on their finances. Some of the dismissed people did not manage to find a new job or they even did not try because they had not been taugh how to do it. Instead they resorted into easiest ways of earning their living. Again mugging, stealing, and smuggling became for many the only possible method to survive in the capitalist society. One may often read about brutal break-ins and murders commited when an unemployed tried to burgle a house. Moreover, people caught in poverty trap end to indulge themselves into alcohol and the abuse of alcohol is one of the major causes of domestic violence. Men who are disappointed with life and feel stressed by the economic hardships and their unability to earn their living often abuse their wifes and children and treat them as somebody on whom they can pour down their agression and dissatisfaction.