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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/Poland's economic situation is not good. There is a considerable problem of unemployment. Many people are out of work. However, those who have stable jobs do not feel secure at all. Wages they get do not usually allow them to satisfy all their needs. Most of the money is spent on high taxes and with the rest it is hard for an average Polish family to make both ends meet. Furthermore, the process of privatization that Poland had recently gone through, resulted in mass lay-offs which gave people the feeling of insecurity. All those problems gave rise to social dissatisfaction and anxiety both on a state and a family scale. Young people growing up in such conditions have to share their parents' worries about money. They can not afford a bicycle or a computer which the better-off families can. They feel rancour and anger. Sometimes they decide to resort to illegal means or to violence to get some money. They may be driven by the will to help their parents but also by their own desires to possess valuable things. Yet, it is not only young people who commit crimes. Also, middle-aged people who could work legally choose illegal ways to get rich quicker. Under those circumstances violence serves as means of releasing anger, anxiety and dissatisfaction.