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/^t/Proponents of technological advancement often argue that it has facilitated communication among people. To back up their stand, they point out to the alleged advantages of the twentieth century inventions such as, for example, the telephone - the device which makes it possible for people from far ends of the world to communicate. Indeed, there is nothing wrong with the telephone - one finds it a very convenient way of communication nowadays. But, as far as the television is concerned, the situation needs deeper insight. Let us now go back in time to the days when the television was not invented yet. Whenever asked what their pastimes were at that time, elder people have a ready answer to give: "We used to gather together, play cards, visit our friends, organise picnics or go to the parties". Nowadays, having the whole family staring at the TV set for hours is a common picture. There is a countless number of channels to choose from, all providing a huge selection of programmes which, quite unexpectedly, are supplanting our other activities. We do not feel the need for such a great social contact any more - TV provides us with entertainment of any kind.