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/^t/Art is the expression of what is beautiful, whether through music, literature or painting. It is suppossed to evoke in its lovers unusual feelings of admiration. From art, people expect something extraordinary that would help them enter a different world. Unfortunately, most people very often think of art in terms of simplicity and usefullness. Therefore, they seem to disregard things that recquire more intellect and understanding from them. And since, modern art involves something more than only looking and admiring, it has been unfairly treated, even by many art lovers, as odd, trivial, obscene, boring and useless. People have the right to dislike rotting heads, walls smeared with chocolate or cans covered with bananas, which are the fruits of a very controversial conceptual Art. But they disapprove it at once, after the first glance, without trying to understand the meanings hidden behind those, as they say 'unaesthetic' works. People always ignore the things they do not understand and, therefore, modern art is not fully appreciated. It should be, though, because modern art is not only about those cans and heads, that almost everybody thinks lack talent, skills and effort, but also about true, fantastic and very skillfull works like, for instance, those created by Salvador Dali.