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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/Pneumonic, bubonic and septisemic plagues are the three plagues which are considered to attack most often. The pneumonic plage is the disease of the lungs but it can also alter into the bubonic plage, which is named in this way because of the buboes swelling until they become as big as chicken eggs. The septisemic plage is the most dangerous of all the three. It infections blood so fast that its victims die very quickly. Because of the respiratory problems, people's bodies become deep purple. There are also other infections such as cholera, malaria or tuberculosis which are all microbal. In the last twenty years, entirely new diseases have emerged as well. Have we, or rather our governments, have any chance of defending us? Every plage has its cycle. On the example of the bubonic plage, we can see that the disease is spread by the rodent fleas circulating among wide rodents. How it happens then, that it can be transmitted to men? When most rodents are killed, the fleas search for other hosts which are usually rats living on refuse or in sewage systems in the urban areas. People who appear in such areas are in danger of being bitten by them. Therfore, every government should be caucious about the public hygiene, especially in the critical situations such as earthquakes, political upheavals, war or famine, when people are generally less resistant and weaker. There should be more acts and bills passed, concerning constant vigilance as the most sucessful weapon against the plage.