Wide context

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/Sometimes we do not posses the gift of picturing in mind the future at all.. More often, our imagination is not good enough to do so, which turn out to be the source of our disappointments and dissatisfactions. We read a holiday advertisement in which there is written that the hotel is ten minutes from the sea, and some of the rooms are provided with the stereo equipment. What is the most important, the cost of such holidays is 75 percent lower than the similar ones offered by other travel agencies. So a happy holiday maker strikes the bargain, buys a two - week stay somewhere abroad, goes there and is very surprised. The hotel is of the lowest quality, the stereo equipment is only in the room of the manager, to mention only some of the inconveniences. Reality proves to be different from what it was to be. Why? The miserable traveller did not thought of the existence of a catch which must have been in the offer cheaper by 75 percent than others. His imagination proved to be too poor.