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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/Every day in our life is fraught with danger. You wake in the morning, rush to the window and take a deep breath but you can only breathe the air polluted with lead from petrol. Then, you make your way to the car knowing that today you or one of your nearest and dearest may be involved in a car accident. In the evening you use your old hair drier realizing that you may inhal quite a few azbestos particles from it. Civilization is everywhere, but are we much that happier in our technological world with its new-found knowledge than our ancestors who knew nothing of these things? Probably not. One can notice today that automation and high-technology equipment cause more problems than they solve. A good example of this equipement is television and computers. Because of them there has been an increase in violence, in laziness, dehumanization and in terrorism.