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/^t/There is evidence, according to the smokers that the Act of Parliament, putting a ban on smoking in public places, is, in every respect, an affront to the democratic rules - freedom of choice constitutes one of them. Majority of the smokers admits that smoking is their free, conscious choice, a sort of pleasure, pacifier out of which they don't want to get rid. In their opinion, a cigarette (although stuffed with tar and nicotine) doesn't cause more harm than a cup of coffe, which isn't forbidden. Asked about his attitude towards the Act of Parliament, imposing some restrictions on smoking, a young man holding a ciggarette (he stood in the bus stop that is a public place! gave such a response: "There is so much distance in the Polish society today, so why on earth, make one more division, based on those who smoke and who don't". He also added that the smokers don't want to stuff others (non-smokers) with nicotine, they don't want to poison those who feel disgust at the cigarette smoke. All they want from the rest of society is just simple acceptance of their addiction. The facial features together with the man's gestures seemed to shout: "Have more mercy on smokers. Please!".