Wide context

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/Although there was a lot of opposition to the movie in society, there was no bias in the way the media presented the whole issue. They did it rather fairly and objectively. Apart from people who protested, quite a few people were given an opportunity to speak for the movie. In one of the issues of Gazeta Wyborcza, an interview with a well-known Polish theology professor was published. He assessed the movie as definitely anti-clerical, but not anti-Christian. He emphasized that the criticism contained in the film is aimed at the church organization and structure, not at Christian values. They are not diminished but propagated in the movie, he asserted. The examples of people representing such values as compassion or brotherly love are the young and the old priests. Another interview where positive remarks were made about the film was broadcast on a popular radio station Radio "S". There was also a call-in allowing people to express their opinions on the movie. Among fifteen callers there was only one who spoke against the movie. In view of the future reaction to the film, why were people picketing and demonstrating in front of cinemas? One street survey carried out by a reporter of Radio "S" showed that most opponents of the film had not seen it at all. They believed what their priests had told them in churches about the movie, and condemned it without even trying to get to know facts and form their own opinions.