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/^t/There are a lot of people whose sleep is sound and deep. They wake up in a good mood and are ready to spend the day pleasantly. However, there are also such people who cannot fall asleep and even if they eventually reach this peculiar state, their sleep is shallow and unpleasant and when they wake up they are most often in a bad mood. Fortunately enough, the latter group of people may be in a way helped. The annoying lack of sleep may be caused by the lack of food, because, as researchers prove, those who feel a need for food cannot sleep well. On the other hand, those who do not find a reasonable modesty in eating, fall asleep easily and instantly but they cannot remember their dreams and on waking up they have a feeling of digesting that is still going on. The simplest solution would be then to eat a light meal before going to bed, not forgetting, however, about the risk of overdose. Nevertheless, the success at falling asleep easily will not be achieved if people neglect the potential influence of coffee on the human organism. Coffee, however tasty it would be, will not help to bring sleep, it rather defers it. Therefore, countless coffee lovers often notice with astonishment that despite being in bed and wishing to sleep, they would rather take up any mental activity except for sleeping, because their brain is so highly stimulated that their free will cannot overcome it. Such an influence of coffee upon dreams weakens with time, which is an inevitable sign of the beginnings of coffee addiction. Fortunately enough, there are meals that should bring sleep. Connoisseurs, if they wish to sleep well, should concentrate on milk dishes, salads, poultry, fruit and vegetables.