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/^t/The last two decades brought about a considerable change of attitude towards work.. It is clearly visible in the present day business world, demanding, full of stress. Here, for example, it is a jungle in which the weakest go to the wall. Only the strongest withstand this tough competition. Their motto is to be at the top of career no matter what it takes. As a result of such thinking, they began working over fourteen hours a day and after some time they can become workaholics. Such people spend most of their lives working, finding it impossible to relax and rest, no matter how tired and overworked they are. They spend their weekends in the office (their native element) or at least take home some urgent work to do. Their social life is ruined. Their spouses and friends abandoned them long time ago and they have no time, or even will to make new acquaintances. Apart from workaholics, there are many people who work also over fourteen hours a day, but the purpose of their work is purely financial. Often, they are the only ones who can support the family. Such people are always tired, they have no time to talk to their children about their little school problems, or to the husband or wife, not mentioning that they do not have any time for themselves. They begin to feel alienated from the surrounding and sometimes start to be treated as errand boys.