Wide context

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/Plains, trains and automobiles have through their usage brought the world closer together, but nothing has shrunk the world more in the twentieth century than the new developments in mass media. With the click of a button and a change of a channel information can be relayed from all parts of the world into people's homes. Everyone wants to be well informed about what is happening in the world. That information is necessary for the development of opinions and free thought. To deprive an individual of all information but one resourse is to limit that person's true awareness of events necessary to form accurate opinions. Information is after all derived from facts. People responsible for transmitting information that is journalists, editors, producers and writers, are influenced by their own opinions thus adultering truth into individual truth. The result of this can be benevolent or malevolent depending on the diversity of available information and probity of the people who are responsible for the mass media. In a sense an opinion is like a piece of clay flexible, pliant and supple. Mass madia have the ability to sculpt these opinions to suit a specific purpose or to provide insight and create a proper sense of understanding of their society and the world around them.