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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

What is the reason of such a strength of the media? First and foremost they are the only source of information for people and they are omnipresent in our life. Their most important role is to pass information, on the basis of which everyone creates his own vision of reality. However the accumulation of facts is so huge that their selection itself is conducive to making the picture of the world a little deformed. The media claim a right to influence our opinions, mainly those concerning the politics. Political debates and proclamations made by leading politicians serve that purpose. They are broadcast more often just before important political events like elections either presidential or parliamentary. The media affect not only our political point of view but also shape our opinions concerning all fields of our life. They do that using one of the most influential medium - commercial, which is undoubtedly the most effective way of forming or changing our liking. The strength of commercial is enormous but it concerns only marketing so it does not have any serious consequences. The media are also able to affect our music preferences by creating a sort of fashion for a certain kind of music. They do that by broadcasting specific programmes or records performed by a given group of musicians. A similar situation is with the role of the media in shaping our art tastes. The means of mass communication are able to create the image of the arts by taking patronage over it. The same is with the ethics, the media have slowly begun to change our moral principles and overrate various concepts, which happens without our approval or sometimes even unconsciously.