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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/The most sinister apprehensions mentioned by polish Rights are a little bit exaggerated. We shouldn't be afraid of the loss of our traditional nationality. We, Poles, are conscious and proud of our cultural heritage. The real danger lies in a false assumption that Poland will become a member of EC automatically with all the drawbacks, after quick referendum in which most of us will vote "yes". It's quite easy to predict what will happen soon after. The prices of food and many other articles will run low. Unfortunately, after several months it will become evident that inflation goes up, it's hardly possible to reform social insurance system, zloty is still not interchangeable and falls in value. There will be little likelihood of incorporation of Poland to The Monetary Union. Huge plants which didn't manage to find any investors or western partners, will begin strikes because they will be unable to rival with cheap and modern articles of foreign consortiums. Farmers will begin to block the roads in order not to let agrarian products produced in other parts of The United Europe on polish market. Such a situation will cause immediate effects - social support will decrease, public discontent will increase, powerful rightist and nationalistic groups will appear on the political arena.