Wide context

Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/Although there are media like books, motion pictures, newsletters and comic books that are not generally thought of as a means of promotion, advertising has actually become involved in all of them. It is a powerful presence and unquestionably makes a substantial impact upon the Polish psyche. These frequent and repeated messages tell us to consume. They advocate for making our lives easier, more enjoyable and encourage us to accumulate more possessions and new experiences. Advertising teaches us to take pride in outer appearances and in the way we present ourselves to others. The human relations depicted in advertisement are positive with conflicts shown only in the most enjoyable form. Superiority, pricing, quality and service are greatly valued. There is an emphasis on the material comforts of life that are available in a wealthy industrial society. Advertisements also remind us of the possessions that we do not have and of the privileges of those who do have them. They promote products, but simultaneously they urge us to acquire more things and therefore they coerce us to work harder, to achieve more so that we too acquire products. In some cases the advertisement creates the idea that possessions are so important that they must be acquired by any means.