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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/All problems mentioned above could be solved if professional army substituted for compulsory military service. In the first place, such an army would consist of well-motivated and positively predisposed people. There is no doubt there would be no problem in finding such people, as already there are many volunteers for the professional service which exists in a "narrow" form in Poland; it is so because, on the contrary to compulsory service, the professional one guarantees well-paid jobs and retired pay at relatively young age (after 25 years of service). Additionally, the costs of housing would radically decrease, as professional soldiers would live in their private houses, and limited number of soldiers would make it possible to save considerable sums of money now spent on uniforms. The funds gained in this way could be spent on salaries for professional soldiers, and, what is more important, on modern equipment. The civilians would receive some basic military training during short and intensive courses, so that they would be able to support the professional army in an emergency. Thus, in every respect, the professional army would surpass the non-professional one that exists at present in Poland.