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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

Generally speaking living in a small town is a good choice for older people and children who enjoy a peaceful rural setting and a contact with nature. Older people prefer closer relations with their neighbours and they are really happy when everyone recognizes them in the church. They can chat with everyone they meet in the street or in the shop. They know everything about others and feel safe in such a small society. For married couples with small children such living can also have many advantages. Their children are safe when they play outside. There is no big traffic, no strangers who could pass unnoticed. The air is not so polluted as in cities so it is much better for growing up youngsters and people with poor health. These advantages can be easily noticed especially when you compare this calm life to the city life. People there are always in a hurry, rushing to work, to the shops, to their homes. Although there are so many people in a city they are so busy that hardly ever do they find time for others. Many people feel very lonely and there are much higher rates of suicides and nervous breakdowns in cities than in smaller towns.