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/^t/It is obvious that our lives are dominated by modern science and technology - we are victims of our own creation - but I would not agree that there is no place for dreaming and imagination in this world. Very often people are simply ashamed to admit it but dreams have always been an important part of their lives. The fact that we live in the age of spacecraft does not mean that imagination has been rejected. It may not be as explicit as it was in Homer's days when Greeks lived in the world full of gods created by their own imagination, but it is present in our lives. Like our Victorian predecessors we feel endangered by the development of science and technology and that is why we try to escape into the world of dreams. It is possible by means of literature and Disney lands. The former is very fertile. It has always been the means of giving way to emotions of various kind and imagination running wild. Writers, poets in particular, have tried to show the beauty of the world and contrasted it with the ugliness of big cities and their industrial development. Some film makers have also used their imagination in order to create an unreal but beautiful world of fairies and good spirits, and as an outcome we have such films as "Hook" or Disney productions. I remember how sad I was after watching "Hook" and how I kept asking myself, "Why don't we live in a fairyland where everything is so pretty and simple? Good wins over evil and everybody is happy?" But then I came to the conclusion that this world is in fact inside us and we are the only ones who can make it live on or die.