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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/Learning languages has become very popular in Poland. Nowadays many parents want their children to start attending language courses as early as possible. These days people have a great choice as far as the way of learning a language is concerned, since not only teaching by different institutions is offered to them, but 'teach-yourself' video courses and correspondence lessons are also widely available. There are many people who at some time realize that it would be good for them to know a foreign language. After they begin to learn it, however, a great number of them give it up after several months. It is the lack of strong will and self-discipline which makes many learners unable to continue what they have started. Here a question may arise whether the knowledge of a language is really worth the effort which must be put into learning it. Seeing how many people attend English, German, or Spanish courses, a conclusion can be drawn that foreign language study is worthwhile, in spite of time and energy spent on it.