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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/Drug education is a very serious problem and it is particularly dangerous for young people. It is a cliche; we all know the pictures of shabby looking youths with a wild look in their eyes. Sometimes we meet them in the streets as they are begging for money. They are still exotic for us; we do not know how to treat them so we try to think about them as little as possible. But what happens if we are faced with the problem, as certain parents were who found out that their eleven-year-old son had been playing truant for three months. The time that he was supposed to have spent at school was spent witf some friends in a sewer. What were they doing there? Sniffing glue. Now it was clear why he was suffering from headaches and nausea. Nobody told this boy that sniffing glue could be dangerous. And it seems that no-one is willing to tell this to the thousands of primary school pupils in Poland. The problem of drug addiction tends to be neglected and ovrelooked until a tragedy happens.