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/^t/Cloning could also enable to duplicate once living, exceptional people. Once again we could meet Einstein, Picasso or... Marlin Monroe. It would be possible to bring to life those brilliant minds whose names are known all over the world thanks to their genius works which make people's lives easier, maybe happier and more beautiful. How would they find themselves in our reality? Would they really become the same extraordinary people living in our society, still so different from those in which they were brought up? Would any, even international authorities be able to prevent the technology of cloning from being used to manipulate politics? There always would be a temptation to clone not only 'Einsteins' but also worker drones who would do 'dirty jobs' for us. It could really make the Aldons Huxley's vision of 'Brave New World' to become true. What about clones themselves? How should they be treated - legally - should they have the same rights as human beings? It is quite difficult to imagine a society decorated with special identity cards to differentiate between people and clones. There is one more danger - what would happen if the technology gets in wrong hands - could Hitler be cloned?