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/^t/As I already indicated, subcultures help young people to find others who will accept them and who will find time to spend with them, listen to them but is it a solution for 'busy' parents who do not have any time for their children? Do children really need to look for acceptation outside their homes? I do not think so. Although, there are some positive subcultures I personally think and the examples I provided clearly show that subcultures do more harm than good to young people. In my opinion, what young people need most of all is love of their families. If they do not get this at home they will not get it anywhere else. Only parents can love and accept their children without expecting anything in return and they should find time for their offspring. Of course we all need friends who have similar interest to ours with whom we can spend some time but subculture should not replace the family. It should be a completion to it and only in the positive light. If we do not change our attitudes I am afraid of our future. It has been noted that we tend to behave like our parents and if they do not show the children how a real home should look like, young people will not be able later on to teach their children. The same or similar mistakes will be repeated forever. So, before we start a family we should think what we want and what is important to us - a great house, super modern car, fashionable clothes, etc. or - a family. We need to make good decisions in our lives because our and ours children future depends on it. Moreover, we must make sure that when making the decisions we will not hurt anyone.