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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/I know that there are many inconveniences in small towns. Many young people complain that there are not many places where they could go in the afternoon or evening. The access to the, so called, culture is very much limited. I mean by that, for instance, the limited number of "good" cinemas (if there are any in the town at all), lack of theatres, museums, operas etc. One would be surprised to see how many young people would go to the theatre or cinema if they would not have to drive to the other distant city for such long time. But by culture, I do not only mean theatres, philharmonics etc. - culture are also schools, libraries, especially good libraries. The fact that small towns lack universities, colleges and even high schools or some types of high schools is the real disadvantage. Our society could be probably much more educated if common youngs had the access to schools they would like to learn at.