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/^t/The last of my arguments in this case is that if marijuana were legalised, the government would gain big profits out of it. Marijuana sold in chemistries would be cheaper than that from smugglers. That is why, people would prefer to buy it legally. What happens next, the government takes the money instead of leaving it in the black market. You may say that it is immoral that the government should profit by drugs. However, it already does. The money coming from sales of spirits and cigarettes is the biggest of all other businesses. What is more, it is not only that the country will earn some additional money, but it will also save a lot. This is because vast sums of money are now being spent on struggling against drug-dealers and smuggling. It could be used to promote the good sides of marijuana as opposed to hard drugs. Maybe then, those who decide to take some drugs would reach for marijuana, which would be legal and cheap, instead of buying heroin or cocaine on the black market. In this way, the number of people taking hard drugs would lessen. Even if they became addicted to marijuana, then the treatment would be much easier and cheaper.