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Some people say that death penalty is the only way to deter criminals. Evidence shows something different. In Britain for example, capital crime has not increased since suspension of capital punishment. It has been proved many times in the past that relaxation of harsh laws has never led to increase in crime. Therefore the 'deterrent argument' seems irrelevant and also in this respect capital punishment is an ineffective punishment. Law should mean justice and justice means that a criminal gets what he did to his victim. Approaching the problem literally it ought to be like that but it is never so in life. Should a rapist be raped? No, because it would be inhumane. For exactly the same reason a murderer cannot be sentenced to death. His death cannot bring back his victim's life or lessen the suffering of relatives and beloved of the victim. We all should reconcile to the fact that punishment is never equal to the damage that the wrongdoer inflicted. If a capital crime has taken place every penalty may seem inadequate. But the most inadequate one is death penalty because the courts should issue punishments not revenges.