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Undoubtedly one of the greatest advantages of living in a small town is quietness which big cities lack. In a small town there is no traffic and unbearable noise that accompanies it, especially during the rush hour. But on the other hand living in a small town is often associated with boredom and a difficult access to a cultural and business life. The cosmopolitan atmosphere of a big city is one of its greatest attractions, which allures people. Big theatres and cinemas, foreign restaurants are just on your doorstep. However, the supporters of town life point to the cultural development observed nowadays in a town. Today almost in every town there is not only cinemas and restaurants but also clubs that are involved in organising a cultural life for a local community. I would like to mention another argument to support my statement - it is a good social relationship that is typical of a small town community. Town dwellers usually know their neighbours and have good ties with them. Neighbourly help makes residents' lives easier and less stressful. But the lack of anonymity, which gives freedom to city dwellers, obviously is the disadvantage of living in the province. People know each other and often gossip about their neighbours and friends. Such informal remarks on people private lives that may sometimes have unpleasant consequences. It is generally believed that city dwellers have no difficulties in finding a well-paid, satisfactory job in the metropolis. They are often with international companies that give them an opportunity to make a career. That is why city life attracts young people who decide to leave their hometowns and settle in the metropolis. Although, it is difficult to find a good job in a town its residents do not suffer from unemployment or low income. Some of them work locally, others commute to a city, where they are employed. Of course, one can point out that commuting every day is exhausting and it is more comfortable to live in the city near work. But on the other hand it is worth mentioning that city dwellers live in small flats whereas town residents in big houses often surrounded by large gardens. The supporters of town life call attention to the fact that very seldom crimes are committed in a town. One does not witness drug-pushing that is the main reason for juvenile crime. The lack of social pressures is another advantage of living in a small town. There is no stressful atmosphere in such a town, people are less nervous as their pace of life is definitely slower. The cost of living is this argument that people take into consideration while deciding whether to settle in a town or city. The fact that town life requires less expense, as commodities and necessities are usually less costly in the province, is its undeniable good point. I think that quietness, the lower cost of living, a nice atmosphere, the lack of traffic, pollution, crime, various pressures of life, as well as a good relationship between dwellers, and the fact that people live in their own houses, are the main advantages of living in a small community. That is why in my opinion living in a town has more advantages than disadvantages.