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/^t/Despite women's suffrage and the sexual revolution, stereotyping is still very powerful and preserves the biased status of females in society. This seems to be fuelled by male chauvinist presentation of women in the media. Indeed, it "emphasises women's domestic, sexual, consumer and marital activities to the exclusion of all else." In soap operas women are depicted as busy housewives and as contented mothers. Advertisements show women to be dependent, narrow-minded consumers of products advised by men. In entertainment the role of women is often that of sex-objects - to mention only such crudely sexist shows as Benny Hill or Monty Python. The media easily ignore that over half of women go out to paid employment and that they have profession-related ambitions and problems. Because the prejudice against females being mere homemakers inferior to males prevails, women face more inequalities in their public lives.