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/^t/Marijuana consists also of specific chemical substances causing strong addiction. It can be either physical or psychological or both at the same time. According to a dictionary addicted person is someone who is unable to stop having or taking. Man is a creature who becomes addicted to many things or ideas quite easily. The most frequent addiction concerns close people; family, friends, parents. Our feeling of security and happiness depend on these people. We can be addicted also to the state of oownership. The more we own th better, more secure we feel. We can also feel closely attached to our country, relligion, habits, aims, dreams, style of life etc. All these things give us the feeling of security but at the same time make us slaves, depenndent on them. In fact we liv captivated by dependences in illusionary conviction of our freedom and independence. The same phenomenon refers to drug addiction. Only a man with extreeme will-power can overcome, conquer it. Alcohol addicts never become ex-alcoholics but people who have stopped drinking. It is proved that one drug or even a cigarette or alcohol open doors to next experiments. That is why we must treat them as initiative actions. At the beginning doses are bigger and bigger; then tolerance to a certain drug increases. The person doesn't achieve expected pleasures and takes another, stronger drugs. For this reason the argument that legalization of marijuana will prevent people from taking stronger drugs seems ridiculous.