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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/Women are said to be "a majority with minority representation and power", and unfortunately there are lots of cases supporting this argument. In Britain, for example, twenty years after the equal pay act women in non-manual jobs earn only 67 per cent as much as their male counterparts. Most prestigious professions, like lawyers, doctors, company directors, are male-dominated while women are usually employed in clerical or unskilled posts. To get promotion women have to prove that their qualifications are not only as high as men's but much higher. As a rule, says Barbara Follett, "the lower down the hierarchy you go, the more women you find." And "nowhere is women's lack of power more damaging than in politics. That is where the battle for equality has to be fought, because that is where the laws that determine people's lives are made and changed".