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/^t/The couple, which I mentioned, lives in Poland where the Roman Catholic religion is dominant. Thus, most Polish couples must be conscious that matrimony is one of the holy sacraments, which means that marriage can be disunited only by the death of one of the spouses. In case of separation, or decision to live with someone else people are regarded by the Church as sinners. Certainly, Christian religion and many others with their sacraments are serious limitations to divorce. But not all people have such sets of beliefs, and if they do not care about religious vows, there can be other things which bother them. A couple's divorce, for instance, can do a lot of harm to the children the couple brings up. Especially, children's psychic is in danger, because it can be distorted in future life. Children are afraid of being left alone and they may think that nobody loves them, which can lead, in their adult life, to lack of success in relationships with other men or women. Fortunately, there are many specialists in the fields of psychology and psychiatry who can always advise, and help those children. Finally, in addition to these minuses of divorces presented here, one may mention also a financial problem, because a couple must pay for the case in the court. But this is a minor problem, which does not form any obstacle to divorce, because money is not as important as psychic comfort of both husband and wife.