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Complete PICLE corpus of essays by Polish advanced EFL students (330,000)

/^t/Publicity agents are so much afraid of losing their clients that they do not feel responsible for informing them of such facts. What they do instead is even more alarming. The world they present in the advertisements is so unreal that it may frustrate the society which usually does not live on the highest standard and has to deal with many problems never existing in advertisements. People see expensive cars, beautiful houses and great equipment. Women are always pretty and slim, children are never naughty and men extremely mannish always presenting wonderful white teeth. It is an unreal paradise which makes us start dreaming. After the commercial on television finishes we have to wake up and see our gray reality, an old car which falls into pieces, a child screaming in the corner and an unshaven husband who has just lost his job. We are so dissatisfied with what we have that we start looking for something better. Now only buying a miraculous shampoo will make us feel good. After we buy it we need a new washing machine just seen on television. Then we have to buy a new TV set, a new car, a new house and this vicious circle never ends.